09. Contemplation

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There are those who spend hours building a matchstick house only to set it aflame, constructing a pyramid of cards just to knock it down, or arranging dominoes meticulously only to topple them. They might seem irrational or even immoral, but once they commit to something, they will hold on to it until the end. And there is indeed a god who watches over such illogical endeavors.

This god resides in an endless field of daisies with a scale of judgment. As long as you harbor a fervent dream, a daisy bearing your name will sprout in that field. Much like Osiris weighing hearts of the dead, if you meet this god in a dream, you may pluck a daisy and place it on one side of the scale and your contemplation on the other. If the scale balances, you may proceed. If the daisy weighs more, you should abandon your pursuit. If your contemplation is heavier, you are destined for success.

Though even in the most optimistic scenario, you should not rush to rejoice. This god has another name: the God of Deception. What he nourishes his field with is tears of gullibles.

He will laugh at the despair of those who give up, sow hope and dangle sweet temptations in front of the credulous and the overconfident to relish in eventual collapses of their dreams. A thoroughly mischievous god!

If you ever encounter him, pay no heed to the result of the scale—just walk away. Legend has it that only those who resist the god’s temptations and trials, who ignore the taunts and jeers, will receive an unexpected gift. Like Pandora’s box, no one knows what lies within this gift from the God of Deception. Whether to open it or not is up to you. How you use it is also up to you. Your usage of the gift determines whether you earn the respect of this ill-natured god.

You’ll know when you reach the end of your life’s journey. If daisies carpet your path, it surely leads to a paradise reserved for those who never give up. What awaits in that paradise remains a secret belonging to the impermanent world.

Finally, if you believe this tale, I must apologize, for the god is merely a figment of my imagination.

However, when you’ve passed the age of stepping into a wardrobe or falling down a rabbit hole into a magical world, there’s no harm in believing that you still have a wager with the divine.

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